Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cole is 1!

Today is Cole's first birthday! It hardly seems like it has been a whole year since he came into the world. We are having a little party for him tomorrow, but I put together a little slideshow of pics from his first year of life. Enjoy.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Family Fun day Saturday

It has been a while since we had a whole day just for family fun! Today we hit up a couple local town street festivals. The kids had fun. There was a car show, kids games, a fire engine and tons of local artisans selling their work.

We are going to end the day with a movie...but I will share some pics from today before I go work on dinner.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rest in the Lord

Oh for a nice bench to sit on. This picture reminded me of how much I need to rest physically, mentally, and spiritually in the the Lord.

Things have not slowed down a bit around here. Hence the lack of blogging. I am glad the Lord never sleeps, that makes Him PERFECT for campus ministry! ;)

Please pray for us as we seek to find a good balance of ministry, family and rest time.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Abigail's First Day at Preschool!

We just got home from Abby's first day at her new preschool. She LOVED it! It is a small program at a local church, a small pond for my shy little fish to swim in.

She had such a good time that she did not want to leave. She came home in an aweful mood! Oh well.

Here are a few pics.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Refreshed but Exhausted!

We had a great weekend retreat despite the rain on Friday and Saturday. It was nice to get away from the pressures of home/school and concentrate on learning and fellowship. Most of us didn't get to sleep until after 2 each night...so that is where the exhaustion comes in!

Gibson was an inspiring teacher for the weekend. We were refreshed in a sobering way. Hearts were open and moldable this weekend...what an answer to prayer!

Here is a group pic we took as we were leaving...the only time we saw the sunshine.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Refresh in the Poconos!

Here we come!

We are leaving this afternoon for a weekend retreat in the Poconos with our ACF ( Arcadia Christian Fellowship) group. We have 21 people going this year! Our theme is REFRESH. Gibson Largent, a pastor from a local church is going to be our speaker for the weekend.

Please pray for a meaningful time together as a community and an intense time of spiritual growth our students.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Abigail is 5!

Yesterday was Abigail's 5th birthday! It is hard to believe my sweet little girl is so big! We had a Tinkerbell themed party at Chuck E Cheese. Here are a few pics.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Catching up

I don't even know where to start. We have been going going going since Thursday last week. Greg planned a weekend of activities to get our ACF community up and running for the semester.

Friday night we hosted a game night here in our apartment. Catch Phrase has become one of our favorite group games. We had to close our open screen door and windows so we would not disturb our neighbors with our groans and laughter. Good times. ;) (I am so glad the kid's rooms are at the end of our long hallway so they cannot hear a thing!)

Saturday evening we met at the Castle for a Rita's Run. We ended up bringing out Rita's back to our place and watching a movie then chatted until late.

Sunday night we planned a movie night. After the movie we rocked out to Guitar Hero World Tour until our voices were all but gone (about 1 am!) . Whew I am tired just telling you about it all!

I will end this post with a pic I just HAD to share. This is the plate of our of our students who really enjoyed the brownie pie, ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup and butter cake all while expressing his knack for creating art with food!

Gotta love it!

Friday, September 4, 2009

The first ACF and (almost) family emergencies!

Last night was the first ACF large group meeting of the semester followed by the after party in our apartment. We had a good turn out for the first meeting. There were quite a few new faces, which is always exciting. We were also blessed by several people from local churches who brought some yummy snacks!

Now to the almost family emergency....(I KNEW I should have put Caed and Abby to sleep instead of letting them watch a movie!)

About halfway through the after party Caed runs out into the living room with a panicked look on his face telling me to follow him. He said "Abby swallowed a magnetix marble." I run down the hall thinking she is choking. She was breathing fine but very scared... All I could think at that point was...what a great night for a trip to the emergency room!

We called the Dr and she said that since it was small, round and smooth it should pass by itself. Whew! Never a dull moment around here!

Here is a pic of the magnetix piece.

Praying for a swift and painless passing;)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

ACF Leaders Team

We just had our first ACF leaders meeting for this year. Oh how we have missed these guys! (And by "guys" I mean 1 guy and 10 girls including me!)

When we first began working with ACF 2 years ago, 10 people attending our large group would have been a good attendance night! How times have changed! We are all excited to see how ACF is going to grow and change even more this year!