Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pre-K Counts

I have been researching options for Abigail's school next year. She misses the cut off date for Kindergarten by 8 days! We have several options. One is for her to continue at her current preschool at a local church nursery school.

Option # 2 is to home school. PA has a good number of Virtual Charter schools that provide all of your homeschool material for free, including a computer.

Option # 3 is program called Pre-K Counts that allows some 3-4 year olds go to local preschools for free.

Today Abigail and I checked out a couple of preschools in the area. We had a great time and she made some friends while I was grilling our tour guides.

We have a lot of decisions we need to make soon. Please pray that the Lord would guide our decison making process.

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