Sunday, October 18, 2009


The PJ party went very well. I am still recovering from staying up until 3:30am! We had 22 girls come for all/part of the night.

The night started off with a HUGE game of Apples to Apples, followed by our group's favorite game... Catch Phrase! And what sleepover would be complete without a silly game of Truth or Dare! I have not laughed that hard in a long time!

Our discussion on Purity went well. We talked about it being more than Physical intimacy, but also a mindset. Instead of wanting to know where to draw the proverbial "line" in a physical relationship we talked about how to honor God in all parts of our dating or non-dating relationships.

Towards the end of the discussion part of the night one girl asked the question, "I know how to spot Mr. Wrong, but how do I know when it is the right person at the right time?" To answer her question I told everyone the story of how the Lord brought Greg and I together.

We ended the night by watching the movie "The Ultimate Gift". I highly recommend it.

Thank you for praying for us. We had a good time and a really good discussion about things that are affecting these girls right now.

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