Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I Know That I Know!

Let me start by saying that Christian schools are not for everyone. That being said, I cannot tell you how much of an impact that my teachers in middle/high school had on my spiritual life. One of the many teachers that stand out in my memory is Mr. MacMillan, my bible teacher at Providence Christian Academy. I can remember one class like it was yesterday. Mr. MacMillan was talking to us about the importance of knowing without a doubt that there was a moment in time that you realized your own sinfulness, and confessed your need for a Savior. If you do not KNOW for sure, there is a wide open door for doubt and then comes the slippery slope of questioning anything and everything that you thought you knew for sure. Mr. MacMillan suggested thinking about that moment you accepted Christ as your Savior and then nailing a figurative stake in the ground. That is a solid reminder that nothing can pluck you from the Hand of God from now on.

I have passed on those same powerful words to many students over the past few years in ministry. Don't lose the battle in your head before it has even begun, you CAN know for sure.

Thanks Mr Mac.

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