Sunday, May 23, 2010

Busy Busy Weekend!

AU Graduation was Friday morning. We said our final farewells to some very special seniors.

Friday evening our own sweet little Abigail graduated from preschool! (Sorry, we forgot the camera!) Abby is not a big fan of being on stage so she stood there and did all the hand motions to the songs they sang behind her back! They also did their own version of Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Abigail was very convincing in her role as a piece of cheese! ;)

Saturday morning was Caed's last flag football game of the season. Caed loved it. He shows a lot of promise for a future fullback! The Eagles mascot Swoop joined us for part of the game! I got some great pics. Enjoy!

Tomorrow morning I am taking Abby to register for Kindergarten in the fall...sniffle, sniffle. ;)

Thanks for checking in on us!

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