Friday, July 2, 2010

Precious Moment

It is really nice to have a few students living and working around campus this summer. We have a good group of 8-10 come to our Thursday night bible study. One even "Skypes" in from New York!

I have to share with you a precious moment from last night. We had a great discussion on Esther 4. One of the students prayed to end our time together. He thanked the Lord for everyone there and then thanked the Lord for all of the talents He has given us to serve. When he got to Greg and I he prayed the sweetest prayer for us, but then he really got me crying.

He prayed for our kids.

He prayed for protection, for growth in the Lord, for all those around them to love and cherish them...It was beautiful.

It may seem like a pretty simple thing, but it meant the world to me.

I love being a part of this community of believers.

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