Friday, December 10, 2010

ACF Christmas Party & Ugly Sweater Party!

It is hard to believe that this semester is already coming to an end! Last night we hosted our annual ACF Christmas Party and Ugly Christmas sweater party. It was EPIC. See the pics below!

It was a crazy night, but also quite touching. I have asked permission to share with you a poem that Monica (one of the 6 new believers this semester!) wrote and shared with the group last night.

This Christmas

By: Monica Mazzarella

This Christmas I need to tell a story
I need to shout it out to the world
Not only of a baby, but of a saved girl

This Christmas I finally see
All that god has given me; the beauty is of tranquility

This Christmas of hope, of joy and of love
That reigns through the earth and the heaven’s above-
A baby was born on this god given day,
The savior that would show his people the way.

This Christmas I know that Jesus is my savior
This Christmas I know that he works in my favor

This Christmas I rejoice for a baby that came
To take all of the world’s sin for his blame.
The silent night has been revealed with brand new eyes
The tears of feeling lost no longer stream from my eyes.
My god has been my rock, he eases all my pain
I feel like a child, I have so much to gain.

This Christmas is special, it’s one of a kind.
I finally know what true love is for the first time.
I can now spread the truth, of the Who? What? Where? and When?

Because on September 18th , I was born again.

This sweet angel is Monica. See that light in her eyes? It's Jesus. :)


Friday, December 3, 2010

Anita Keagy @ ACF!

During the Spring of 2009 I took a few students to a ladies luncheon sponsored by a local church. The speaker that morning was a lady named Anita Keagy. Her story touch all of our hearts so much that I KNEW I had to try and book her to come and speak at an ACF large group. A few weeks later I contacted her ministry to try and set things up...and they were already booking for Dec 2010!

I am just in awe of the Lord's timing. He knew that on Dec 2, 2010 He was going to use Anita's story to touch the hearts of almost 60 students!

Through her story of teenage pregnancy, giving a child up for adoption and years of longing to connect with her daughter beautifully parallels how much the Lord longs to be be our loving Father, and connect with us through his letters to the Bible.

One of the things I love about Anita's ministry is that she doesn't tell her (amazing) story and then leave...she gives people the tools and a plan to start learning how to seek the Lord first each day. She gave students a 21 day Challenege to seek God in His Word and learn more about who He is. She gave each student a Seeking God First Journal with the 21 day challenge explained on the front cover, a little Gospel of John, and a highlighter to get them started!

There is nothing that gets more more excited than seeing God's word come alive to someone! Please join me in praying for our students to make time to spend with the Lord in his word for the next 21 days, and that it would be an amazing time of hearing the voice of God through his letters to us!