Monday, January 28, 2008


These words mark my first blog post…ever. Even now I’m unsure of what I ought to discuss in this oh-so-special first bog entry. The ideas I’ve thought about eventually expounding on just don’t seem ripe to be plucked from my mind and set onto this virtual platter for your consumption. Not yet. I could lead you, the reader, to marvel at the transformation of our life situation over the past year. Perhaps a diatribe on how my first-ever New Year’s resolution to lose weight has resulted thus far in a net gain of 2 pounds? I’m sure those topics will eventually see daylight. Just not here, not now.

As I thought about what to share as an exciting first blog submission, I wanted to pick from the things we are most excited about. I also wanted to use the perfect key word, as it would set the right tone. Incredibly, there’s one word that is simultaneously the best word and the worst word to describe what we’re seeing God do here: extraordinary. The ministry we see taking place is amazing, special… extraordinary. And since those amazing things happen regularly they are not unusual, irregular… extraordinary. It’s evident that God is doing some pretty awesome things at Arcadia and His work is so regular that it’s not “out of the ordinary”.

In fall I began spending my Monday afternoons playing football with some guys on campus. That interaction led to a player, “Mike”, asking me for guitar lessons. Mike and I have begun regularly meeting to practice guitar, which is opening doors for more significant conversations.

I could begin another handful of extraordinary stories like this. What is so amazing is that praise-worthy and blog-worthy stories are beginning every day! Stay tuned since there’s more to follow!


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rock Star in the making!

Caed got a belated Christmas present this weekend! He got an acoustic guitar for Christmas, but it was not working properly. Sooo we decided to upgrade to an electric guitar! Caed is super excited and Greg has already started teaching him how to play.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ministry Update

I have so many thoughts about this topic that this post might seem disjointed...if so, I apologize.

While we had a wonderful Holiday season, we are VERY excited about getting our second semester up and going. Things here at Arcadia University are in a bit of a restructuring mode with new ACF (Arcadia Christian Fellowship) student leaders this semester. Last Saturday Greg led a training day here in our apartment. After a home cooked breakfast, (COOKED BY GREG!) the officers spent the day planning events for this semester and exploring different ways to create "community" within our group. We will let you know how those plans turn out!

Ministry at our church is going well too. We feel like we are settling in well. I (Ashley) have had a couple opportunities to participate in a mini girl's night out with some of our 20-somethings from church. The most recent night out was actually last night! I had a 6 girls over for dinner and an exciting game of Apples to Apples! It is amazing how much you can learn about others through that game! :)

Talk-n-coffee (our sunday morning study time at church) is picking up as well. Greg is teaching a new series on how media (TV, Movies, and Music) affect us as Christians. It is very thought provoking. I have been helping him read through some books on the topic, it has made me more aware of how much the "noise" affects me.

Anyway, that is it for now. I hope this gives you a little glimpse into our lives...more to come. Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Prayers for a Family

I have been addicted to reading a blog that one of my dear friends told me about. My friend just had a baby prematurely the beginning of January. While their child is doing well and is expected to be going home soon, they have gotten to know another new Dad through their countless hours in and around the NICU. Their baby was born at only 24 weeks and the mother has cystic fibrosis and is experiencing lots of complications. I have been awed and encouraged by the amount of faith this young father has in our Heavenly Father! Their story is chronicled through another blog... Please check it out and pray for this family when you have a chance.

Toothless Wonder

I have always though it was cute when I see children missing one or both of their front two teeth...well now I have one of my own! Caed lost one of his front teeth last night and thinks it is the coolest thing ever!


Saturday, January 12, 2008


Many of you have been praying with and for us for the sale of our house in SC. It has been on the market for almost a year. Although it has been a faith stretching year...we are happy to announce that we have another offer! We are suppose to close before the end of February! Praise the Lord!!!!

Catching up with the times!

Hello Friends and Family,

Greg and I decided it was time to get with the times and start our own blog for family and ministry news. Please check back often for updates and pictures!