Thursday, April 8, 2010

Outreach with the Gideons

Yesterday afternoon was one of those beautiful days around campus when it is just too nice to stay inside. There were classes meeting outside, people studying, and pick-up frisbee games all over campus. The Lord gave us the perfect day for our outreach with the Gideons! The plan was to have a free lemonade and ice tea stand where we could also give out Bibles to anyone who was interested.

There is a no-solicitation policy for all groups on campus, but if someone approached the table, the were offered a bible. A few Gideons from the local chapter joined a rotating team of students to hand out 200 cups of lemonade/tea and about 150 bibles! Honestly, this is a much larger number than we expected.

Praise the Lord!

Isaiah 55:11

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