Friday, September 24, 2010

Doing More Than We Can

A couple weeks ago someone asked us how ministry is going so far this semester. I really liked Greg's response. He explained "we were really prepared for ministry to a group of 40 students that were a part of ACF at the end of spring semester, but when 65 showed up this fall, we were scrambling!"

I had a great time with the Lord today, He put our crazy lives into perspective for me. (I love it when he does that!)

The essence of the lesson was this:

Life in the Spirit is doing MORE than you can. If you can possibly do things on your own, you will try.

Yep, I am pretty sure the Lord want us in a place where we know we cannot do anything without Him. Mission Accomplished!

Another thing that I am learning is that years of growth and harvest are not leisure years. When Joseph (Gen 41) was in charge of all of Egypt during the years of abundance he worked pretty darn hard coordinating the storage of food throughout the empire in order to prepare for the famine. Joseph was not just sitting back and enjoying the view...

So how is ministry going?

We are working hard trying to keep up with this season of growth and abundance. We are keeping our eyes on the One who is really in charge and looking for ways He wants to use us.

Thank you so much for praying for us friends.

1 comment:

Steph said...

so true! He likes to keep us from becoming complacent. 65! praise God!