Friday, September 3, 2010

Oh My Goodness!

I guess a better title for this post would be Oh God's Goodness!

I am sitting here at my computer screen trying to collect my thoughts. I wish you all could have been at the first ACF large group meeting of the year last night. THERE WERE 65 STUDENTS THERE!

This is by far the largest group we have had for any event since we began working here at AU. Praise the Lord! And the best part: They all heard the gospel loud and clear!

Greg Baker, a co-worker from Intervarsity did a great job speaking! To end his talk he shared this video with the group.

WOW! What a story! Right?

Bottom Line: The Lord changes lives! And He is up to somethin' good here at AU!

Here is a pic taken last night with Greg's Phone so the quality is not that great, but isn't it 65 college students praising the Lord an awesome sight!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love love love this. I could cry!